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Craig Duchemin, Autism English Language Arts, Charles Hart Middle School

Though Craig Duchemin  spent years as a pastor in the Midwest before becoming a teacher, he’s always had a desire to teach. “From a young age,” he says, “I felt that every person deserves a chance to be successful, to pursue their dreams, to be included, and to feel special.” Mr. Duchemin is inspired by his students, whom he describes as “some of my favorite people in the world and the best colleagues one could ask to work alongside.” He continues, “They come in with a desire to work hard and learn each day. When they arrive to school and give 100 percent, it only encourages me to do the same. They’ve made me a better teacher in that sense.”

Now in his sixth year at Hart Middle School, Mr. Duchemin credits his school leaders – first Principal Kearney and now Principal Butler – with providing him with support and encouragement to transform the autism program. He has stepped into a leadership role as department chair for special education, and serves on both the Attendance Committee and the faculty Sunshine Committee. Thanks to his efforts, in 2013-14, almost every student in his program made one-and-a-half to two years of reading growth, in addition to scoring proficient or advanced on the DC CAS Alternate Assessment.

Mr. Duchemin recognizes the challenges these students face in middle school, “young at heart but with a desire to be independent adults.” Unwilling to let his students settle for less than their best, he also constantly refines his own practice, because “settling for ‘good’ isn’t good enough.” Mr. Duchemin enjoys the space he has as an educator to fail, to grow, and to discover. “Every day is a new challenge,” he says, “and each day is a new opportunity.”