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Daryl Forte, Physical Education, Burrville Elementary School

Growing up as a Burrville student, Daryl Forte  remembers looking up to authority figures in his life who tried to “lead kids down the right path.” As he grew older, and worked in various summer programs for children, he realized that he enjoyed being a role model himself. So he returned to the elementary school that he and his brother attended, where he has taught for his entire 16-year career.

In addition to teaching students from pre-kindergarten through fifth grade about fitness and health, Mr. Forte has made himself an integral part of his school community, as lead coordinator for the school’s Special Olympics program, chairperson and co-chairperson for their Family Fitness Night, and site supervisor for the DC Scores soccer program. All of this is part of his dedication to supporting his school’s nurturing environment, which he sees reflected in the decision of many former students to return and enroll their own children at Burrville. Mr. Forte is constantly looking for different ways to reach his students, including through technology and hands-on activities, and he carefully tracks their progress on fitness, health, and nutrition goals while also integrating literacy skills. For the past several years, over 90 percent of his students were able to achieve fitness growth and demonstrate progress on their health and nutrition assessment.

A Master Educator describes Mr. Forte as “the ultimate professional” and observes that “he has great relationships with his students and it shows when watching him work with them.” Mr. Forte says, “I love the excitement children bring each and every day they come to class. Their energy and bright faces are always an energy boost.”