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Karla D. Holloway, Preschool, Houston Elementary School

Karla D. Holloway, Preschool, Houston Elementary SchoolKarla Holloway had an impressive role model growing up that pushed her towards the classroom – her mother, a dedicated teacher in D.C. Public Schools at Webb Elementary for 33 years. “I was always impressed by how she managed a classroom,” Mrs. Holloway recalls. “Her students were engaged, and she had the respect of parents, colleagues, and administrators. However, the biggest factor in my decision to teach was how often I saw former students come to her classroom, and speak about how vital she was to their lives.” Even at her mother’s funeral this past July, a former student spoke about her influence on her educational career. “I strive to have that kind of impact,” she says.

Approaching her work at Houston over the past 20 years like an “explorer,” Mrs. Holloway is always searching for ways to excite or motivate her class. “I consistently affirm each of my students by telling them that I believe each one of them is smart and capable,” she explains. “Because they are so young and impressionable, it is important that they anchor feelings of personal value in learning.” Mrs. Holloway truly appreciates her role as an early childhood educator, or as she puts it, “one of the first architects of a student’s educational framework.” She also recognizes her importance in the educational careers of her students who often come from under-resourced communities. “By catching them at the very beginning of their learning cycle, I can give them foundational tools that will help them to not be defined by their circumstances,” she asserts. “I take that responsibility very seriously.”