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Melody Maitland, Special Education, Ballou Senior High School

Melody Maitland, Special Education Teacher, Ballou Senior High SchoolMelody Maitland is the DCPS New Teacher of the Year, arriving at Ballou last year from the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work through Teach For America. She teaches students with intellectual disabilities in a self-contained classroom setting, ensuring that they have the basic skills necessary to live an independent, functional life. Ms. Maitland knows that her job “is to prepare students for their future, which means learning occurs every minute.” She unites her class with the mottos “no excuses” and “think: work smarter, not harder.”

Ms. Maitland believes that honesty encourages her students to do their best. “I have daily conversations about where students are, what their differing ability is, and ways to build on overall strengths,” she explains. “If we cannot be open and honest about these real issues, we cannot take the learning risks necessary to achieve at high levels.” She considers herself a “tough love” teacher, holding her students to a rigorous standard. Ms. Maitland finds encouragement in her colleagues who invest so much of their time in helping their students overcome challenges, and is motivated by her wonderful students who display “resilience” and “always approach obstacles with a smile.”