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Natalie Hubbard, Principal, Raymond Education Campus

Natalie Hubbard, Principal, Raymond Education CampusNatalie Hubbard knew she was a leader even as a little girl. She was the oldest sibling in her family and had the responsibility to lead even as a child. In addition, coming from a family of educators, she knew she had an innate passion to help others.

It is this motivating force that drives her today.

As a teacher, she was energized by the untapped potential of bright minds eager for a challenge. She is a firm believer that school is a place where transformation happens—at Raymond EC, you have the unique opportunity of watching a child grow as pre-kindergarten students mature into 13-year-old young adults.

Ms. Hubbard has high expectations for her students and staff.  She enjoys watching children enter the classroom, and how, “on the first day they’re so reluctant, and then a week later, they’re so energized and engaged in learning.”  She loves seeing the bulb of knowledge when a student grasps a concept, or how her students who are new to the United States can share what they are learning in English by midyear.

“It’s such a highlight to watch a child absorb their learning. Most importantly, the mind of a child is full of curiosity and ready to grasp whatever knowledge comes their way!”

In fact, after watching some students interact day-in and day-out, “I can tell many are future leaders,” she said.

Her path started in a similar way. During her first year of teaching at Aiton ES, her principal, Dr. Gwendolyn Bryant, complimented her on her great leadership and organizational skills, stating that one day she would be a principal too!  Little did she know at that time it would become a reality.

“Sometimes, someone can see something in you that you don’t think is possible,” Ms. Hubbard says. She sees the same in her students.