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Roselina Tracy Gorham, Business Manager, Martin Luther King Elementary School

Roselina Tracy Gorham, Business Manager, Martin Luther King Elementary SchoolDuring her 26 years in the district, Roselina Tracy Gorham has touched the lives of hundreds of students and families who have come in contact with her. She is driven by a deep love for the children at her school, whom she calls her babies. As Business Manager and as Administrative Assistant for the after-school program at King, she sees her role as “making sure that my babies have all the necessary supplies, and that they are not hungry, cold, or tired.” Her colleagues universally refer to her as a leader who consistently goes above and beyond for her school community.

Ms. Gorham is herself a product of D.C. Public Schools, having attended Malcolm X Elementary and Johnson Middle School and graduated from Ballou Senior High School. Another colleague summarizes, “Although Ms. Gorham’s title is Business Manager, she is the front office champion. She goes the extra mile to ensure that teachers have the equipment and supplies necessary so that our students will be successful academic achievers.” Parents at King also sing Ms. Gorham’s praises for communicating in a responsive and comforting way. One explains, “I love to watch her interact with students as she greets them in the morning with a hug, a smile, and the words, ‘I love you. Learn something.’”