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Kim Jackson, Principal, Seaton Elementary School

Kim Jackson, Principal, Seaton Elementary SchoolKim Jackson is a principal with a teacher’s heart. Every day, she works with a small group of students to help them learn how to read. Interacting with students grounds her and keeps her connected to the quote that guides her beliefs: “The secret of education lies in respecting the student.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Before becoming a principal, Ms. Jackson was a special education teacher and an assistant principal. She worked in Baltimore, Illinois, and New Jersey before coming to DC.  Just as it takes a teacher, coach, or principal to believe in a student, Ms. Jackson’s last principal “was a big influence over my decision to then transition to the principalship; she really encouraged me to take on this challenge and taught me everything I know about school leadership,”  she said.

Whatever her role has been, it’s the students that have kept her going. “I feel compelled to take care of every student in my building. I approach each day with a sense of direct responsibility to all 296 children,” she said. She viewed teaching this way, as well – dedicating herself to make sure all the students were set up for success after they left her class.

“I love to see them learning and witness the ‘aha’ moments they have when they experience strong instruction and grow in their understanding of the concepts.  This requires great teachers, so I invest a lot into making sure the adults who lead instruction at Seaton are high quality and fully committed to our students.  I want every child at Seaton to have the highest quality experience possible.” she said.