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Mary Ann Green Stinson, Principal, Truesdell Education Campus

Ask Mary Ann Green Stinson what she loves about her school—Truesdell Education Campus—and you might be there awhile.

The leadership team—“We have a team of educators who believe in servant leadership and that we can change the lives of children and our entire community. They are great thinkers and scholars who work tirelessly to improve our school.”

The students—“There are so many things that happen that bring me joy—listening to a student read for the first time, or a struggling reader finding a book they love. We have middle grade students who now love to come to school and work with their teachers who are also, in some cases, their soccer coaches.”

The mornings—“Around 7:30 a.m. I hear the band playing under the direction of Mr. Davis, who arrives at school at 6:30 to prepare for his students. Musicians, who not too long ago struggled with coming to school and focusing in the classroom, now meet me at the door to come in early to practice their instruments. It is thrilling to be part of a whole school transformation!”

Ms. Stinson arrived in Truesdell (and DCPS) in 2010, after working as a teacher and administrator in Richmond Public Schools. It was there when someone told her that being a school leader would help her affect even more children than she would as a teacher—“I was hooked.”

As a principal, she also enjoyed analyzing data to see how to better support teachers and students. “I loved working with children, and knowing that if you figure out how to teach them, they will learn and be successful,” Ms. Stinson said.

As an example, she points out two students: “Jahlil struggled since kindergarten to follow school rules and engage in learning. Now, as a fourth-grader, he plays the French horn and is an exemplary student! He is the most personable young man, who hugs me every day. Then there’s Edward, who was pre-K my first year at Truesdell. At first, Edward only spoke Spanish. Now, as a third-grader, he speaks English well, and is an above-grade level reader. He also is quick to say hello and share his school success. I love my job!”