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Transfer of Credit Policy

Monday, October 16, 2023


The District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) is committed to ensuring every student feels loved, challenged, and prepared to positively influence society and thrive in life by providing rigorous and inclusive learning environments for all students. When a new student transfers into DCPS from another school district, DCPS will work to ease and support this transition in several ways, including the evaluation of any available transcripts or other educational records to create an accurate record of the student’s academic progress and continue their education and journey towards graduation in DCPS.

The DCPS transcript serves as the official legal record of a student’s progress toward a high school diploma, and DC regulations establish the minimum graduation requirements for students enrolled in DCPS to earn a high school diploma. Transfer transcripts and other authorized documents are evaluated to apply credits to graduation requirements and maintain an accurate record of students’ academic history.

This policy conveys DCPS requirements on the process for transferring credits of students who are new or returning to DCPS (i.e., transfer students) to their DCPS transcripts. It describes required documentation for the transfer of credits, grades, and community service hours; the processes for converting credits and grades to the DCPS transcript; and rules for transferring records of course work completed by students who were previously homeschooled or educated outside of the United States.

For additional information on grades and reporting for secondary students, please see For additional information on calculating high school grade point averages, please see