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MD传媒官方 Graduation Rates Increase, Continuing Five Years of Progress

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The percentage of MD传媒官方 students who are graduating in four years increased to 69 percent for School Year 2015-2016, an increase of five percent since 2015 and 16 percent since 2011.

“I’m thrilled that our four-year graduation rate continues to grow because each data point of progress is a student graduating from our schools ready for college and career,” says Chancellor Kaya Henderson. “We must continue this work so that every student is receiving a high school diploma and prepared for their next step in life, whether that is college or career.”

Four-Year Graduation Rate for MD传媒官方

Many comprehensive and application high schools increased their four-year graduation rate over the previous year, including Ballou High School, Cardozo Education Campus, Dunbar High School, Eastern High School, Duke Ellington School of the Arts, and H.D. Woodson High School.

DCPS Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rates

Wilson High School had the largest increase in graduation rates compared to 2015 with a 10 percent increase, bringing the school to an 88 percent graduation rate.

“The Wilson community should be proud, but not surprised that Wilson has seen a 10 point jump in our graduation rates,” said Kim Martin, principal of Wilson High School. “We see from our AP scores, student grades, and other measures that Wilson students are not only ready for graduation, but for college and career after they leave our doors.”

Benjamin Banneker High School and School Without Walls High School boast 100 percent graduation rates.

Four-Year Graduation Rates 2015-2016: Comprehensive Schools

Four-Year Graduation Rates 2015-2016: Application Schools

Key Sub-Group Facts

  • The graduation rates among Black students increased by five percent to 67 percent, while the graduation rates among Hispanic students increased by one percent to 67 percent.
  • Special education students also saw increased graduations rates, increasing from 41 percent to 47 percent.
  • The graduation rate of English language learners held steady at 60 percent.

This graduation rate reflects the Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR) required by the US Department of Education, which measures the percentage of cohort of students who started ninth grade in School Year 2012-2013 and graduated within four years. This calculation first began in School Year 2010-2011. All numbers included are comparable using this measurement.

The Capital Commitment set a five-year goal of a graduation rate of 75 percent by School Year 2016-2017.