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Mayor Bowser Honors Teacher of the Year, Celebrates Antwan Wilson’s First Day as DCPS Chancellor

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

(MD传媒官方) – Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser and Chancellor Antwan Wilson surprised seventh grade science teacher Jan Schuettpelz with the Teacher of the Year award at Alice Deal Middle School. The surprise announcement was part of Antwan Wilson’s first day as DCPS Chancellor. In November, Mayor Bowser announced that she had chosen Wilson to lead DCPS, and in December, Wilson was confirmed by the DC Council. Since his nomination, Wilson has spent time getting acquainted with the DCPS community – meeting with students and teachers in18 schools throughout all eight wards to better understand their needs, concerns, and hopes for the future.

“Today, we are excited to welcome Antwan Wilson to MD传媒官方. Not only is Chancellor Wilson an experienced leader, he is a role model for our students. His success shows that with hard work, they too can achieve whatever they set out to do,” said Mayor Bowser. “We have so many dedicated and amazing educators working in schools across the city, and it is always a good day when we can recognize our teachers for the tremendous work they do. I am glad that we could kick off Chancellor Wilson’s first day by celebrating one of DC’s best teachers.”

Chancellor Wilson joins DCPS at a time when graduation and enrollment rates continue to rise and DCPS remains the fastest improving urban school district in the country.

“I am excited to be in DC and to have the opportunity to work with such a passionate and committed community,” said Chancellor Wilson. “I have spent the past few months hearing ideas from students, families, and community members and now I am excited to get the work started. I know, and for years DC’s schools have been proving, that children from every background can succeed when they are given access to a high quality education and when they are surrounded by adults who support and care for them. I am joining an amazing team of educators, and together we are going to build on DCPS’s successes while moving our schools and communities forward.”

Since coming into office, Mayor Bowser has doubled down on her commitment to education. In the past two years, the Bowser Administration has:

  • made historic investments in public education, investing an additional $220 million in the modernization of schools and increasing the Uniform Per-Student Funding Formula by two percent;  
  • opened the Ron Brown College Preparatory High School, the first all-boys schools of its kind in MD传媒官方, designed to meet the specific needs of young men of color;
  • introduced extended year programming at 11 schools;
  • created the District of Columbia University Partnership, which offers full scholarships to valedictorians and salutatorians of DC’s public schools who attend the University of the District of Columbia;
  • increased access to hands-on learning opportunities by expanding access to internships, career academies, and travel abroad programs; and
  • created a Cross-Sector Collaboration Task Force to ensure the city is making the kind of investments that best serve DC’s students and their families.

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