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Sex-Based Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy

MD传媒官方 (DCPS) is committed to ensuring that all students have access to rigorous and joyful learning opportunities within a safe and welcoming environment. This spring, DCPS set out to create a new policy focused on the reporting and investigation of sex-based discrimination and sexual misconduct against students. Guidance related to sexual misconduct and sex-based discrimination is currently included as part of DCPS’ grievance and bullying policies. The creation of this new stand-alone policy provides an opportunity for DCPS to build upon that guidance in a way that creates comprehensive and clear expectations for all stakeholders. At the core of this policy is DCPS’ commitment to crafting supportive and equitable policies that outline protections and rights for all students.



Sexual Misconduct Policy Timeline

  • May-June: DCPS releases policy for public comment.
  • Summer 2019: DCPS reviews community input and provides summary of feedback.
  • School Year 2019-2020: DCPS releases and implements new policy